Friday, December 5, 2014

You'll shoot your eye out.

As a board, we sit down and start talking about next season and what we wish to present to our audience for the first time usually in July.  So when we sat down in July of 2013 and began discussing what we were going to put on the season in 2014, A Christmas Story: The Musical was immediately on the short list…  

…though it almost didn’t make the final cut.  

Some thought the story was overdone, as the straight play has been produced numerous times in the area.

Some were concerned that the rights wouldn’t become available in time leaving us scrambling for a replacement during the holidays.  

As a whole though…the board, along with the selection committee, thought the story was well known, the music was great, and when the rights became available…we pulled the trigger on this NEPA PREMIER.

Luckily…we DIDN’T shoot our eye out.  

Response to this musical has been absolutely overwhelming!!!  We officially open tonight, and we are already SOLD OUT for all 11 performances!!!

I am so proud that so many people are going to have the opportunity to see all of these wonderful performers bring this touching story to life.  The kids have done such a wonderful job, particularly Landon Wolk and Zachary Schultz in the roles of Ralphie and Randy.  Both of these young actors are amazing talents and have a bright future in the thespianic arts.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the production crew as well.  

Debbie Zehner has done a miraculous job of…to utilize her own words…”make the chaos seem controlled”.  The amount of energy she has harnessed from her performers brings magnificent light to the stage.  

Michael Gallagher has once again astounded us with a set that beautifully and seamlessly transforms from interior to exterior and back again without stopping the action on stage. 

Musically, Kim Crofchick (who pulls double duty as Ralphie’s mother and Musical Director) has done an amazing job bringing this beautiful and touching score to life.  

And as Choreographer (and also pulling double duty as the teacher Ms. Shields), Cindy Brandreth has done an incredible job!  The dance sequence with the kiddos in the classroom is one of the show’s many highlights!

 I would be completely remiss if I neglected to thank Jimmy Williams and Ericka Law for their outstanding recreation of the infamous LEG LAMP!!  It was absolutely beautiful!!
Thank you all for your hard work!! 

And a gigantic thank you also to ALL of the performers.  Your diligence and dedication shines and is immensely appreciated.  

Speaking personally, you make me very proud to be a part of this organization!!

I had the opportunity to see the show in its entirety for the first time last night.  It was the first in our series of free performances for individuals with special needs.  

I was so happy to foster this brain child along with Michael Gallagher, and to have the support of the rest of the board in doing so.  It was so heart-warming to be able to give back to the community in this way.  We had approximately 40 people and their caretakers attend last night, and they all loved the show. 

If you happen to know someone with special needs who would like to attend our next free performance, please contact our box office at (570) 283-2195.

Our next performance of this nature will be…

“Fiddler on the Roof” January 29th, 2015 @ 7:30PM  

Which brings me to my next point!!

AUDITIONS for our next mainstage show “Fiddler on the Roof” directed by Dana Feigenblatt will take place Monday and Tuesday of next week at 7PM.  Please see details on our website ( and our Facebook pages (Music Box Dinner Playhouse - Official Site or The Music Box Players).

Until next time…

See you at the theater…save me a seat.

I might have to sit in your lap…I understand they’re all sold out!!!